Every day we build on the Eduard brand and increase our market share in Europe. This is not possible without the dealers involved. We are convinced of the importance of dealers. They form the link to the end user.

Only at the dealer does the customer see the trailer for real. The customer receives professional advice from the dealer. Conversely, the dealer is a source of information for us. The dealer receives feedback from the customer and knows the demand from the market. We are happy to use this knowledge.

Is there no Eduard dealer in your area yet? Then we would like to get in touch if you want to start selling Eduard trailers in a professional manner. We would then ask you to complete the form below completely so that we can process your application.

Company information
VAT number
Contact details
Your goals as an Eduard dealer
Do you already sell trailers?
Would you like to include trailers in your inventory?
Do you want to sell EDUARD trailers exclusively?
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